Scott Steiner has a few words about the fans before his match and explains he is going to beat Matt Morgan. Just a quick thought before I talk about this match, I've realize that TNA didn't change the apron of the ring and it is still the IMPACT Wrestling ring at the Slammiversary ppv. At least the prediction of Matt Morgan winning was right and it was perfect because this match in my full honest opinion bored me. Yes it slowed the pace down after the first match but it seemed too slow. Morgan won via the carbon footprint, it wasn't like he would have won any other way anyway.
Backstage Jeff Jarrett is with Jeremy Borash. JB just asks if Jarrett ever thought he would be facing Angle when he started the company and fighting for the Olympic Gold Medal (forgetting about the number one contendership). Jarrett just claims he is going to win as most people do when they are being interviewed backstage.
Abyss is up against Kazarian and Kendrick next. Now what I don't seem to understand with this match is, triple threat matches usually have no disqualification in place. Earl Hebner is the senior official of TNA and should know by now not to count, or is this a new rule in TNA? Quite a decent match minus the downside of it not being a no dq rules match. Abyss retained after stealing a pinfall victory. Kendrick and Kazarian from the start had a mission to take out Abyss and that was faltered as soon as Kazarian was sent into Kendrick. Hope something good happens for the X-Division title come Destination X... how about Joe goes for it.
Speaking of which Samoa Joe Vs Crimson is next. The match was quite a decent match but the outcome was unexpected. I didn't expect Joe to win as they are building up Crimson as the unbeatable guy in TNA right now. Yet I didn't expect Crimson to win as it was against Samoa Joe. Quite nice to see Crimson did win however and he put up a good struggle against Joe, I say struggle because he didn't get to do much.
Jeremy Borash is with Angelina Love backstage and Winter is also there. Winter tells JB to move back and just explains to Angelina what she has to do and says she knows she is ready. Angelina talks again for the first time and explains how she knows she is on the same page as Winter which wasn't the case before.
Knockouts title match what can I say except, poor. This match was, well mind my language but shit from start to finish. The use of Winter wasn't needed at ringside if all she did was try and interfere when pinfalls were happening. There was some good moments but a botch finish and a 3 count just totally destroyed the whole match along with the recent run of good womens matches in the past week. Mickie James retained the title after her DDT finisher botched. After the match however Winter attacked Mickie James. This meaning that the feud is going to carry on for another match.
JB is now backstage with Bully Ray. Bully Ray just rants on claiming that AJ Styles is a boy in a man's game and that the key word in the next match is Man not Standing. That being a last man standing match. In what was an epic encounter Bully Ray got the victory. AJ Styles simply was, pun intended, phenomenal. He took it to the limit and I give it to him saved the pay per view after the poor knockouts match. Bully Ray also put on a great show in this match and I witnessed a bit of ECW revived when Bully Ray was chopping AJ and then AJ requested for another.
JB is then backstage with Mr Anderson after the match as the next match is the World Heavyweight Title match. He just cut a little promo saying that playtime is over, no more mocking Sting and time to go win the title.
In quite a decent first main event as I see it we crown a new champion in Mr. Anderson. What a cheating way to steal a victory though with a blatant low blow before hitting the Mic Check. Bischoff played mind games with Sting during the match and made him believe the 3 count happened. But one thing i've noticed is his son was the referee of the match, Garrett Bischoff who is also known as Jackson James. This storyline is going to develop well in my opinion.
Our second main event is the number one contendership match which i'm glad they have mentioned now instead of just the gold medal. Just before the match we get a video via satellite of Karen Jarrett who is at home apparently but I believe is in the IMPACT Wrestling Zone. This match was the perfect fit to end the pay per view. Had me from start to finish just wanting Angle to win the match and i'm glad he did. A near chance of seeing him tap out to the Ankle Lock to then reverse the move into his own Ankle Lock and a tap out by Jeff Jarrett. Angle retained his gold medal and is now the number one contender to face Mr. Anderson which I expected if Anderson was going to be champion due to their previous encounters being amazing.
Overall this pay per view was quality all throughout if you take out the Knockouts Championship match. TNA pulled the cat out the bag and hopefully Destination X keeps it up with the pay per views.
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